#tulma vtm
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iravaid · 4 years ago
who are all your ocs 👉👈
I'm smooching u anon I'd Love to show you my ocs, omg hell yeah
everything below + some rough portraits of the ocs because i don’t have my graphics tablet with me rn
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The One, The Only
Steals from Abrams and LaCroix on a regular basis
Love trinkets and sparkly things, baby
Was actually made for my fic, We Don’t Have To Like Each Other to Survive This (wdh for short) but she’s long since become a recognisably unique oc, hell yeah
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Has gone through a redesign and am having a lot of fun with this one
From a vtm game a group of friends and I play off and on again
Is a sculptor that has a deal with the Ventrue leader of the local hospital for the ‘spare parts’ the morgue provides
they’re very pleasant don’t worry about the 12 fingers and the lamp made from pulsing skin. have some tea :-)
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Inquisitor De Mer
motherfucker <3 so very very evil
From WDH, tortures Nines and does many other antagonistic things in pursuit of understanding the physiology of Kindred
Has a zweihander and is buff as all hell
Eventually Embraced by Andrei and becomes a scary reptilian looking Tzim, good for her <3
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Prince Ophelia Thrysk
The Prince of Dover, and is from my fic, Diviner Bureaucrat (DB)
Is a GILF/MILF, is not very aware of it, Is very shady at times, good for her
Has a look in her eye like she knows something you don’t, intelligent, patient
Was born with a malformed leg and gets around with a brace and her ubiquitous snakeheaded cane
Her court’s colours are white and blue, like Dover’s white cliffs meeting the ocean.
Knew Malkavian!LaCroix’s Sire, Ziener. Is not happy about knowing him
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Sheriff/Archon Aurelia Orsini
Was an Italian noblewoman sometime in the 15-16th century, realised she wasn’t rlly up for that and ran away, becoming a pirate.
Stoic, blunt, terrifying with a sword
Is Embraced into the Lasombra clan and eventually defects from the Sabbat because of Thrysk (she likes MILFS)
Is apart of Thrysk’s court when Malkavian!LaCroix joins it, teaches him how to swordfight, still despises him because he’s a little ratman
Becomes an Archon and is hellbent on ensuring Malkavian!LaCroix meets justice for what he did to her lover
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Ziener (van Ardennen)
this fucker
rancid, smells of rot and covered in the old boils of the bubonic plague
Embraced sometime in the 14th century during the Black Plague: is Like That primarily due to the lingering effects of the disease on his mind and body, compounded by his clan
Instead of the Web, Ziener is primarily ‘connected’ to the moon and its primordial force: he believes he is given messages from the gods in his torpor and that he must spread said message and rear more seers who may hear their messages.
Other Malkavians will feel his ‘presence’ on the Web in the form of the moon’s presence: like staring at the full moon at full force. It’s not very pleasant
Genesis 4:8 <3
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Templar Brynn de Leeu
Very short fuse, throws himself completely into a belief or task
Sire of Sabbat and WDH LaCoix, Andrei’s lover and wholly dedicated to the Tzimisce 
Was a Flemish knight with a wife and two boys. LaCroix resembles one of these boys, and Brynn thinks it’s fate that he Embrace LaCroix.
Eventually follows the Path of Honourable Accord, passing these beliefs onto those versions of LaCroix
Is a zealous believer in Ventrue being the shields of the Sabbat: their Fortitude is his proof and he essentially tortures LaCroix to increase his pain tolerance and improve his Fortitude
Is killed by the Society of Leopold: firebombed to death in an ambush, holds the hunters off while the majority of the pack get out
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Called Foodtruck because she hits like one <3
Very sweet, but will also rip your face off if you try anything
Originally doodled a concept of an aged-up Lunchbox but I loved it so much I made an new character from it
Protects the Warrens and clears the sewers of szlachta and other monsters/hunters
Doesn’t speak much, teeth and maladapted muscle, usually uses sign or text-to-speech to get messages across that typical gestures won’t
Embraced by Reremouse in the desert, somehow escapes and survives until she reaches LA
Intending for her to be a character in a potential Diviner Bureaucrat sequel
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Nurse Freya
A Welsh Nurse from the 1980s who was Embraced by accident on a vacation to Los Angeles. Has been stuck in America since
Has nothing to do but doo what she knows: heal
Applies her knowledge in anatomy and biochemistry in mitigating wounds sustained by Kindred in fights etc - figures out that stapling a laceration shut means less vitae is used in closing it
Figures out how other injuries/infections affect Kindred (fungal infections, viral carriers, vicissitude, blood magic, poisonings, etc) and how to treat them effectively
Finds a safe place in the Anarchs, who desperate needed her expertise during the Kuei-jin and Sabbat conflicts. 
Something of a foil to De Mer: she’s stern but she’s also got a very strong moral code
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Reserved, capable fighter, speaks in a low, quiet voice
Sabbat Gangrel, finds potential candidates for Brynn to Embrace and ‘recruits them’ 
From the Scottish highlands, Embraced by a local superstition that turned out to be an independent Gangrel with a beast mark that gave her translucent scales and external fangs lining her cheeks
Has badger claws for primal weapons and shapechanges into a Eurasian wolf with erythrism 
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iravaid · 4 years ago
My Tzimisce oc Tulma, steals 'spare parts' from the hospital morgue, and is overall an unhinged art student who wanted to manipulate the human body like a sculptor does with clay
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iravaid · 4 years ago
what would your ocs be doing in vtmb? (Asking about/all of your vtm ocs.. I only know about Lunchbox and the tzimisce tho ^_^)
Oooooo, good question 👀 and thank you for the ask! sorry this took so long to repsond to!
I’ll put this below a break because i don’t like having Big Long Posts just hanging out in the open, and because turns out i’ve made a Couple OCs. Now, most of them are from WDH or DB (my fanfictions) so these are versions of them that are canon compliant to the game
Lunchbox is actually In the game, you just didn't look hard enough 😤 - but fr she'd be lurking and watching the fledgling from the shadows, v curious about them and what they're up to. You know the rat in the clan quest mod? LB takes its place and will guide the fledgling through the sewers if they give her one of the rings/watches/car radios they’ve collected. She might also try and sneak up on them to pickpocket some cash or a quest item
Tulma, the Tzim oc, is Northern Irish so she's nowhere near LA when vtmb took place, but she's definitely heard of the goings on across the pond and is vaguely amused by it
Ziener (DB) - He’s either dead somewhere in Europe, as he should be, or him and his coterie (minus a malkavian lacroix) take the place of the Brotherhood of the Ninth Circle. So instead of encountering Brother Kanker, Bishop Vick etc, You meet that motherfucker and can either go into dialogue and then fight him and his coterie, or just kill on sight. When you report your findings back to LaCroix, he’ll note a strange feeling of relief. 
Brynn de Leeu (WDH and Sabbat LaCroix AU) - He Is dead: killed by the Society of Leopold about 200 years ago. If the Fledgling goes to 609 King’s Way, they’ll find a strange altar with a curved sword hanging from it. If they choose so, they can pry it away from the wall and take the ‘Amber Kilij’. And if they’re a Ventrue, they can spend a blood point to power up the sword - the next attack will paralyse their opponent for a short duration of time. 
Aurelia Orsini and Prince Ophelia Thrysk (DB) - Rich lesbian aunts have come across the pond to see what the fuss is about in LA. They Do bully LaCroix and will pay the Fledgling to make his life more difficult. If you bring up the Malkavian Seer Cult in Downtown to them, Aurelia will come with you to help fight them. 
Nurse Freya (WDH) - She’s either at the Santa Monica Clinic or in the Last Round depending on what point of the game the Fledgling is at. Can also be seen treating Nines’ wounds after Griffith Park. Gives the Fledgling insight onto the biological aspect of their condition and general bg lore of Kindred. For a price, she can give them ‘treatments’ that give them a buff or resistance against things like fire or slashing damage. 
Debbie Hagen (DB) - She may have gotten into AM Radio....
Foodtruck (DB Sequel) - The bigger, meaner, but still pleasant, version of Lunchbox. Can be found fighting Andrei’s flesh monsters. If the Fledgling passes a speech check or is a Nosferatu she’ll help them through the last parts of the sewer level, and has her own keycard to get them into the Warrens. Won’t follow them in. Gary said she came from Tucson with commendations from ‘a bird in Arizona’ and she’s been hired to keep the Warrens safe. If the Fledgling is less experienced and tries to fight her, she OHKOs them with her massive claws 
Inquisitor De Mer (WDH) - Like Beckett but incredibly evil and sadistic <3 In Hollywood, when Ash is being hunted by the SoL, the Fledgling tries to lead him through the back alleys out of the city. De Mer intercepts them and talks about her theories on Kindred biology and origins, hints that she wants Ash as a lab rat. She fights the Fledgling while the hunters capture Ash in the chaos. During the monastery level, fights the Fledgling at the same time as Bach, but on the ground with her Zweihander. Can trick Bach into shooting her if the Fledgling is clever enough. Drops a journal on Kindred biology that the Fledgling can give to Freya, who learns from it and can then give the Fledgling better buffs.
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